Leading since 1983.

Backcountry Skiing

Escape The Crowds

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Backcountry Ski Touring & Backcountry Nordic

The Adirondack Park is full of country skiing opportunities for those who know where to look. If you are tiered of the crowds at the resort and eager to hunt for your own lines down the mountain, then a guided back country ski experience is for you. With everything from local trails around town to the backcountry terrain of the High Peaks, we can design a trip that meets with your party’s needs.

Skill Types and Disciplines

Alpine Touring and Telemark

The Adirondack State Park is an often overlooked destination for AT and telemark skiers, but offers numerous opportunities to seek out backcountry lines.

We can design a trip to meet with your skill levels, whether you are interested in trying back country skiing for the first time, or a seasoned skier wishing to advanced your skills and learn new techniques. You can also combine your skiing adventure with a winter mountaineering and camping course and enjoy a multi-sport winter backcountry experience.

Backcountry skiing in the Adirondacks involves off-track terrain, which may require the ability to navigate obstacles and irregular terrain, so some skiing experience is recommenced to get the most out of your experience.

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Backcountry Nordic

Backcountry nordic skiing is a great way to escape the crowds and explore the mountains, while enjoying a low impact sport.

A backcountry nordic trip is a great option for families or larger groups with different levels of fitness. We can design a trip to meet your needs, even combining a backcountry nordic experience with other activities.

Come enjoy a day in the mountains with your family.




Small Group Rates

The base cost of a guided trip is $400 for a single single client and guide, each additional client adds a fee of $100, up to four clients. To learn more about our pricing and discuss your parties need please contact us.

Rental skis and technical equipment is available for clients who do not have their own setup for a $150 fee. If you decide to rent from us and wish to invest in your own setup following your trip, we will apply a credit of your rental fee to the final purchase cost.

Large Group Rates

We require a maximum guide to client ratio of 1:4 for technical trips like ice climbing, however we can accommodate larger groups. For details and pricing, please contact us.